Adeline's Journey

Map of Savoy from Mercator's Atlas Wing 1728a
Savoy is, apart from Lyon and Paris, perhaps the most talked of place in Romance of the Forest.  Adeline first visits it after sailing the Rhone, and it is there that she meets the La Luc family. 

Savoy offers, even more than Lyon, a place of refuge, of anonymity, safety, and rest.  It is also rapturous: the village Peter and Adeline eventually approach "stood at the foot of several stupendous mountains, which formed a chain around a lake at some little distance, and the woods that swept from their summits almost embosomed the village.  The lake unruffled by the lightest air, reflected the vermil tints of the horizon with the sublime scenery on tis borders, darkening every instant with the falling twilight" (241).  This is the country that M. Verneuil visits simply to appreciate its beauty.

It is in Savoy that Adeline is taken into the La Luc household and made a surrogate member of the family.  Her life, here, becomes stable once again. 

Adeline remains in Savoy with the La Lucs until La Luc decides to travel to Nice to improve his health.